Rector Greeted
Kálathos: Transdisciplinary Journal Inter-Metro

It is an honor to present the publication of the first number of the virtual journal Kálathos: Transdisciplinary Journal Inter-Metro. The Journal is committed to creating a space for creative and academic publications of the Faculty and the students of the Graduate Programs of our Metropolitan Campus.

This commitment has allowed us, with the publication of Kálathos … , to reaffirm the value of our academic programs and, especially, of the Metropolitan Campus, as part of the system of the Inter-American University of Puerto Rico, which bases its educational mission on the peculiarities that constitute it and on the population which it serves. The journal aspires to be a vehicle that demonstrates our desire to make educational quality a reality.

We express our gratitude to the Deans of the Faculty of Humanistic Studies and the Faculty of Education and Behavioral Professions, to the members of faculty who constitute the Publishing Board and to the technical personnel for their support to such a vital effort for the continuing development of the Academy. Read it my friends, we are witnesses of the birth of Kálathos: Transdisciplinary Journal Inter-Metro : gaudeamos!

Marilina Wayland
Spanish Version